Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Eoin Murphy, 2012 Irish Senior Weightlifting Championships

Here's WT member Eoin Murphy fighting gravity in the Irish Senior Weightlifting Championships. I'm sure you'll agree, he's looking superb in his lifts.  I decided to have a look at his log and how he started.

On 7/11/11 he lifted: 

Snatch 5 x 1 @ 65kg (shoulda been 10 but couldn't)

Clean and jerk 8x1 @ 75kg

Incredible. So how is Eoin doing so well? If you listen to that clip again, it becomes fairly evident - coaching. The coach is bellowing key points to the lifter. He's prompting him on the finer points of the lift. The audible cues are helping Eoin to complete the lift.

I know I wrote this article on teaching yourself Oly lifting, but I cannot emphasize how effective proper coaching can be, in any sport. The issue of finding the correct coach for your goals is another post altogether. All I can say here is that it looks like Eoin has found an excellent coach. That said, Eoin deserves the majority of the credit. In order to achieve these results you have to work hard, have the right mindset and be brave to fling your body under the weight.

Who's his coach? After a little research, I gather its this dude. The last two lifts in this video are astonishing. Cathal Byrd 2012 European Senior Weightlifting Championships:

Great sporting drama.

So hard work, dedication, nutrition, sleep - these are all factors in an athlete's progression. Good coaching, however, can be priceless. Well done Eoin and Cathal on your achievements. Eoin especially, I continue to watch you progress with great intrigue.

Train Smart, Charlie.

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