Sunday 21 October 2012

Participating in events

Firstly, apologies we seem to have neglected the blog of late! No excuse really, but time to get posting again.

Today I took part in the Paras 10 race at Colchester Garrison.  It was a very well run event and was great fun.  The idea was to 'tab' 10 miles around the Garrison, wearing boots, long trousers and carrying a Bergen weighing 35lbs.  Needless to say as I sit here and type, I am broken!

The picture above is of Charlie and I at the end of the race - it was wet and muddy today! 

Taking part in events is great.  The camaraderie between people is brilliant - I saw Charlie cross the finish line and hug someone he'd never met before today, but he became his friend along the way and they got each other through the last few painful miles.

And as I approached the finish line struggling, strangers were cheering me on and sharing my pain.  It was enough to give me that last bit of energy I needed.

Having done other events such as Tough Guy and strength / power meets, I can say that I always enjoy them.  It's great to share your love of fitness (often crazy challenges in my case) with like minded people.

So get out there, sign up for some events, train, smash it and make some good friends.

In training

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